Something & Nothing - Yuzu Seltzer
4 reviews
355 mL
Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit. It tastes like the sound a band would make if their members were a tangerine, grapefruit and a lemon...and you could actually taste sound.
Tastes like: Deep citrus vibes.
All S&N seltzers contain grape juice and lemon juice to give balance and a full flavour. S&N seltzers are naturally low in calories - under 44 calories per can
Gail I've tried all the Something & Nothing seltzers and all are excellent.
Blair Fontana Something & Nothing - Yuzu Seltzer
Amber N Probably the best seltzer I've had - the yuzu adds such a juicy dimension that I don't miss the alcohol at all!
A.G. This stuff is delicious