Something & Nothing - Cucumber Seltzer
355 mL
Tastes like a holiday in can, hence having the picture of a holiday on the can, not a cucumber as you might expect....we like a bit of semiotic tomfoolery.
Tastes like: Jumping into a pool after a long day in the sun.
All S&N seltzers contain grape juice and lemon juice to give balance and a full flavour. S&N seltzers are naturally low in calories - under 41 calories per can
My favourite beverage. Light, refreshing with soothing hints of cucumber. Love it with a little ice in a tall glass with a sprig mint. My cocktail is ready !
I recommended this to my friend because it is so good. And very low in calories. Good stuff!
I received this cucumber seltzer for free with my order as part of a promotion. I expected it to be a really over-priced la Croix, but was so wrong! The flavour is both bold and refreshing. It's complex enough to be interesting, but still goes down smooth. "Super crushable," if you will.