Force Majeure - Triple
Sold Out
3 reviews
330 mL
A real flavour marathon with a spicy finish
A flavor marathon where your taste buds finish after a soft start with a full, spicy aftertaste. Even the most avid specialty beer connoisseurs give in to this. Three grains, triple flavor.
It is full bodied and spicy to the last sip.
David Schlichter Years ago I would spend my vacations travelling to Belgium in search of the country’s wonderful small brewery beers.
I can no longer drink alcohol so when I found Force Majeure I was indeed happy.
Their triple is as good as any beer I tried back then, featuring a full malty body, well spiced with a hint of hop bitterness. An excellent non alcoholic version of Belgian beer.
Greg Hockenbrocht Force Majeure - Triple
Dave White OK, would order again